When times are challenging, it's common to dwell on negatives leading to a downward spiral when negative experiences cause suppressed emotions, repetitive negative thoughts, physical distress, avoidance behaviors, and feelings of losing control.
T.I.P.P. Yourself: Use temperature changes, intense exercise, paced breathing, or progressive relaxation to regulate your nervous system.
Upping the Self-Care: Prioritize self-care even during stressful times to maintain balance and resilience.
Our brains often mirror our focus; if we seek negatives, our brain will find and amplify them. Conversely, intentionally looking for positives allows our brains to highlight uplifting experiences. This concept, rooted in Positive Psychology, suggests that by managing our thoughts we can shift from despair to happiness by cultivating an upward spiral.
Three Good Things: Reflect daily, first thing or at bedtime, on three positive moments, even small ones, to foster gratitude.
Mindfully S.T.O.P.: Break from autopilot by taking mindful breaths and observing your surroundings or emotions before acting: Stop, Take a Breath, Observe your Senses, and Proceed with intention!
Get Moving: Engage in physical activity to counteract overthinking. “Over-thinking is under-feeling!” A 15-minute walk opens a new dopamine window which can enhance your mood and perspective—remember to look at the horizon and not at your phone!
Author: Paul Welch, Registered Provisional Psychologist
Positive Psychology. (2024). Blog. https://positivepsychology.com/blog/
Gloveworks. (2017). All about the upward spiral effect. https://www.gloveworx.com/blog/allaboutupwardspiraleffect/#:~:text=Positive%20thinking%20and%20it's%20power,emotional%20and%20physical%20self%2Ddevelopment.